Let's start with the first of all firsts!
I went to my fucking first Furry Convention (Held at the Double Tree Hotel) thanks to my lovely and overly friendly (a polite way of saying flirtatious) girlfriend; aka my roomie and Red Velvet.
And it was the most awesome thing I have ever experienced.
The people I've socialized with were the most amazing people to ever talk to, incidentally, the most hyper and colorful lot as well. I felt like I could be me, speak continuously, be honest and get distracted easily and be accepted. That was the number one reason this con was so well done.
However, at times, I did feel out of place, and that was only because as a complete n00bie to cons and furries in general; I had no idea who people like Zen, Blindsight and Kitty were and hearing their names spoken so commonly made me go o_O? at most parts. But that's where the friendly furries are reintroduced, as they pointed guest speakers out, or even gave me websites to stalk mentioned names at. I thank you for this once again. And it is because of this that I have created this FA account. I hope I do justice with it.
My accommodations at the hotel was set up by my roomie were notwithstanding. Another first. (Never stayed in a hotel with friends and not family.) Now hear me out about the notwithstandings. We shared a room with two other guests, Benjamin Wolf and Shadow Kitty and they were fun to hang around~
However, housekeeping needs to step their game up and not leave notes about not cleaning our room. I didn't leave my house to make messes in public places to not have maids not do their paid to do jobs. Cookies were fucking delicious. That's how they get you.
I may have come off as a easily exhausted lazy ass, but I want to clarify that I didn't eat when I was seen. So in order to keep my energy up I needed to be moving or drinking water or doing something entertaining. And now you know. And knowing is half the battle motherfuckers.
I drank too. Another first. I have one cup of lemonade vodka mix and got tipsy. I have no tolerance or countenance. I was told I should see a doctor...
I'm throwing in my two cents about the games room. Holy fuck. Yes! Do that more. I had so much fun talking to others and playing games. Thanks to that I'm gonna buy Bloody Roar 4, Left 4 Dead 2, RockBand and Marvel vs Capcon. Yes! Reminding you who I am, I was the one singing or screwing up on Guitar or banging the drums. I have three new favorite songs.
I come to the raves now.
I dance like a crazy acid taking bitch and we know those on the dance floor loved it. You need at least one crazy, right?
The DJs rocked. End of story. If I praise them, their egos will swell and they'll become jerks. (cyberwulfe)
The fursuits were all so expertly made and proudly worn. The heads worn were worn with confidence; I make not a ridiculous or megalomanicial claim. Those who were there saw that and those who weren't cannot begin to fathom. It also blew my mind how many people made their own suits and heads and I just had to get emails for skype or msn tutorials. I am formative to make one. Believe me. But now I rant. In fact everything about this con was so good that I swear I cannot write anything quintessential to what this con was. So I give up. (I'm the best writer ever!)
I must come to a close.
In conclusion. Best thing ever. Next year is a definite thing. I hope my dreams of going to the convention in Montreal becomes a reality.
O yeah, I apologize in advance for my rather colorful language. I swear. I like to swear. I probably break rules.
I'm bored with this journal now.
Love you babe.
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she's on her way |